Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Hips and leg tracking not close to body

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  • #4123

    Hi, so I’m struggling to get the “balls” to be near my body after doing calibration. What could I be doing wrong? They’re usually floating far above me or far way in front of me.

    I’m using the Oculus Rift and a Kinect One.

    Javier MorenoJaviermoreno15



    try to set do the calibration on the head and not on the feet, it helped for me, now the problem I have is that the games don’t recognize the trackers…

    Javier MorenoJaviermoreno15

    how can i do that?

    Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot

    Hello! I have made a video on how to calibrate your kinect properly. In the video i forgot to mention that you must be facing the direction of the kinect. Forum Post..

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