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    Hi Greg.
    I’ve been starting to use v3 with PSmoves & Kinect.
    There’s a problem: when i start driver4vr it loops using 40/50% of CPU, not responding to commands.
    Naturally the software setup is OK.

    Thank you!

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. now it uses quite a lot cpu in colour tracking scenario. and I am working to get it improved.
    can you first try with head/hand tracknig using skeleton ?


    Hi – I also have the problem where Driver4VR hangs when using colour tracking.
    It works well in skeleton mode for head and hand tracking, but I’d like to try my PSMove controllers with Driver4VR using Kinect so I can get rid of PSMoveSteamVRBridge.


    The same here. Seems that it hangs using a lot of CPU, but not working in any way.

    Thank you very much.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you try this version ? i reduced about 30% of cpu (hopefully).



    Hi Greg –
    Thanks for the quick response.
    On this version, CPU usage does seem to be a bit lower but Driver4VR is still unresponsive after clicking “Start Driver4Vr”.
    I would attach a log file but “C:\Program Files (x86)\Driver4VR\logs” is empty.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you please check if you can see log now ?
    what is driver and overall cpu usage ?
    i am also assuming you have head tracking with kinect but controllers with colour.
    also which kinect do you have ? it will tell me where to look for improvements.




    Hi Greg – thanks, this version is working now! I am now able to use the colour calibration settings.
    With this version, Driver4VR is using about 19% of my CPU (overall about 32%).
    I am using Kinect 360.

    Thanks for the excellent support and quick replies.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    did you attach something to camera? would you mind sharin a photo ?


    I used a pair of old sunglasses as suggested – works perfect!
    Just tested it in Google Earth for 20 minutes or so and it is very usable. Not quite as accurate as using 4 PS Eye cameras but still very good. I am experimenting now with the placement of the Kinect in the room to see if I can improve it.
    Another user mentioned using 2 Kinects to average tracking data like PSMoveServiceSteamVRBridge does – if this is possible, that would be perfect for 360 degree/room scale tracking!

    Also I should mention my CPU is quite old (i7 2600) and is still doing fine.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    wow. that is pretty cool 🙂
    I will enlarge this in my post.
    i would be interested to know more about accuracy problem.

    Kinect 360 with sun glasses for colour tracking


    I am waiting for my HMD tracker led (a bike light) to recharge 🙂 Will post again when I have more results.

    Thanks again Greg for your awesome work!


    Hi Greg,
    I have uploaded an example of the accuracy problem I have been having.
    This video shows using skeleton tracking for the head and light balls for hand tracking, but the same problem happens when I use my HMD mounted light (in fact I think it is worse).
    I thought it might be because the Longbow game needs to have the controllers close to the head but you can see it also happens when the hands are away from the face.
    The tracker seems to show that the bulbs are being tracked properly (although sometimes you can see the bulbs go behind my HMD or my head).
    I’ve tried moving the Kinect around to different places in the room and I have tried different pairs of sunglasses (some darker, some lighter) but always the same 🙂
    I have recalibrated many times and have recalibrated the controllers in PSMoveService as well.


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i can clearly see on video that problem happens when orange light goes away because you hide it with other controller or part of the body.
    kinect 360 has very narrow range compared to On.e
    i have my kinect on 2m height pointing down with maximum angle. then we have most chance to avoid situation that one or other controller is hidden by hand.

    D TXcalibur

    Hi Greg,

    I am trying colour tracking at long range with an adjustable darkness light filter.


    Position tracking is great but there is controller orientation problems when guns are not pointing forward. Compare to skeleton tracking, it’s less consistent. I remember going through that when you started to beta skeleton tracking.

    Also, it is more CPU intensive/slow down gameplay even though it doesn’t hang anymore.

    Otherwise, position tracking is spot on. There is a limit on range that seems to be independent of the bulb brightness/darkness of filter.

    I’ll have to play around with the setup more to see if I can make it better. Riftcat is in beta too and the new version is more CPU/tracking friendly and better streaming customization/quality.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by D TXcalibur.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    are you saying there is orientaiton problem or position problem ?

    do you have 360? it is quite noisy. i might have very cheap solution to that but I need test if that really works better.

    PS Move with big ball

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    D TXcalibur

    Yes. Kinect 360. Lol. Exactly! It’s the size that matters! 😀

    From afar, the bulb is really too small.

    It was the same kind of orientation issues that we’ve seen at the beginning of beta: controllers not pointing outward when tracing a half circle from front to back (either not pointing back or jitters a lot before pointing in the right direction).


    I would love a Kinect One but where I am the PC adapter is impossible to find – people sell them second hand for about €150…
    Maybe in the future if we could connect multiple Kinect 360s (like with the old PSEye method) then a lot of the shortcomings from the Kinect could be circumvented.
    For the time being I have gone back to my PSEye setup for tracking the PSMove controllers. I find the Kinect 360 with skeleton mode for head tracking works much better than my old setup with a homemade light ball. However, now I have a problem where my head is tracking correctly but my controllers are far away, above and to the right of me… obviously something needs to be recalibrated – any ideas?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    next to head tracking selection there is calibrate. on the window you need also press calibrate and then point headset stright forward in direction of kinect.

    can you elaborate more please ?

    D TXcalibur

    For the orientation issue while pointing outward and tracing half circles: i think it’s the magnetometer. I have an old and new ps move that behaves differently. However, when it can’t see the bulb properly, it either jumps up, or move to the body. There is a need to handle that error (when the bulb is obscured or when it’s outside of sensor fov/range) because it does crash the game. The best color i found for calibration was magenta and blue with darkness filter in a low lit room.

    Having the kinect360 at 45deg downward at 2.5m height lessen occlusion but bulb tracking is still a bit jerky at long range. Especially when I go beyond 180 because backward is further away from the sensor.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by D TXcalibur.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by D TXcalibur.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by D TXcalibur.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. kinect 360 is problematic. you can make your ps move like below (yes, it is not fake)

    PS Move big ball

    You can get POI Ball like in picture below. then very easy you take ball off the base and put it on PS Move. It fits like it was almost made for this purpose. It improves a bit but Kinect 360 will remain Kinect 360. I have some idea for next release how to reduce shaking. So hopefully we it will work better.

    POI Ball for PS Move

    PS Move and POI Ball

    D TXcalibur

    Lol, I believed you. Thank you for making low cost VR possible! I’ll help spread the word.

    With the sensor high up, shooters are amazing. 😀

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i don’t mind 🙂 thanks !!!

    D TXcalibur

    Got the POI balls installed and tracking is way better at long range and almost 360. A bit heavy even after removing the original ones but it works great. 🙂

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver


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