Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Google Earth VR (PS Move)?

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  • #5344
    Jim RooneyJim Rooney

    I’ve got Driver4VR working with my DK2 / Leap Motion / PS Move Controllers.

    I can remap buttons to have the X or O button the the PS Move act as a Trigger for example.

    What I can’t seem to work out is which buttons correlate to the A/B buttons on my Touch controllers. In Google Earth VR, you need to be able to hit the A button to “Tilt Earth Down”. In the button mapping options, there’s a selection for “Menu/A/X”, but it doesn’t seem to work. I’m only after the A button in any case.

    Even if I could map the Touch A button to a keyboard key, that would work well enough.

    Jim RooneyJim Rooney

    I’m starting to suspect that I’m also fighting a bit of “default” settings when I’m dealing with some different game controllers as well.

    The new Gamepad to VR controller mapping system helped a bit for getting my head around the different buttons on the Vive. I’m struggling to get things to actually map to the triggers now. I’m getting the four controller thing here and there too. It’s been an interesting puzzle.

    Jim RooneyJim Rooney


    Reset all my settings to default and started over.
    Grabbed my PS Move controllers as they’re the closest thing I have to Vive controllers.
    Set Steam VR to use Vive controller mapping in Google Earth VR (it still displays Touch controllers, but they function as Vive controllers)

    Everything works 🙂

    I’m still keen to get things working with Xbox controllers since a mate of mine doesn’t have PS Move controllers, but that’s a different problem.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    sorry I missed your post before. how did you set steamvr to use vive controler mapping ?

    also what do you mean you want to use xbox controller ?

    Jim RooneyJim Rooney

    Hi Greg. No worries.

    Yeah, there’s a controller settings thing that pops up for me in steam VR on launch. I’m on my phone, but I’ll dig up the menus to get there… I think it’s in advanced settings. I swapped from the default settings to Vive controller. I’m not sure that it matters. Resetting driver4vr and starting over seemed to be the trick.

    My friend doesn’t have psmove controllers, but is keen to use Google Earth in VR. He does have leap motion and an Xbox controller.

    I’m looking to map controller buttons to the Xbox controller and have the leap motion provide position and rotation.

    Jim RooneyJim Rooney

    Oh, and the psmove controllers work really well for me. I’ve got the full 4pseye setup, so I’m super keen to see things when you’ve got the pure psmove setup done (without leap motion). I think that’s going to become my full-time solution for hand trackers on my dk2.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you mean kinect with ps move or purely virtual trackers with ps move?
    i must tell this is really good solution for google earth. you can play it anywhere 🙂

    Jim RooneyJim Rooney

    No Kinect. I don’t have one.
    Just psmove controllers and pseye cameras.

    Yeah, just controllers would work well for Google Earth. I’m thinking more of a full hand tracking solution for my DK2 though.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i don’t support ps eye solution at the moment. sorry.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    actually you can use head tracking from ps move. i think you need make 3 controllers in steamvr and then use option from head tracking to use external tracker and point to one.

    Jim RooneyJim Rooney

    Yup. I know. You’ve got the “PS Move Service – NOT DONE YET” option there… so I was just saying that I’m looking forward to it.

    In the meantime…
    I did try your “Virtual Trackers” option and it works bloody brilliantly!

    I have to dig up my WiiMotes now to see how they go with it 🙂
    Your solution for the PSMove trackpad (tilting) is sweet, but has some issues with some games. All in all it’s a great compromise!

    You’re right, that is all perfect for Google Earth!
    I’m going to see about mapping a button to Grip though as I’m currently unable to just reach out and turn the world. The buttons work well enough for snap turning, but I prefer dragging.

    Great stuff. I’m so happy with this!

    Jim RooneyJim Rooney

    Oh, does this work with the other PSMove controllers? The ones that don’t have the light balls?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    those are ps navi. this they don’t have orientation filter.
    i can just take input from them but you need to map each button as for any other vr gamepad.

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