Homepage Forums Bugs few bugs with version 3.1.0

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  • #1775

    Hi Greg,

    I have a few bugs with this version

    1 – My “hands” are not in front of my “face” please bring back the head calibrate
    2 – I think that in kinect – skeleton , the right hand moves the left controller and the left hand moves the right controller, I’m not sure at 100 percent, because “hands” are not in front of my “face”


    @Greg Driver ?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by zivzvzivzv.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    1. you need go to options and change hands offset to zero.
    2. you need enter calibrating next to head tracking selection and calibrate while pointing headset in direction of kinect.


    Greg my friend, I think you’re confusing me with someone else.

    options where?

    I’m the guy with the DIY VR controller

    I’m using LEDs and the Kinect detects my movement,

    As you see from the previous post you added next to the head trackng a calibrate button set for the headset.
    Can you bring it back?

    And I checked using the DK2(Or a clone in my case) in the kinect skeleton the hands are reversed, the right hand moves the left and left the right

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    the button is there but you need to pick a source as kinect skeleton or kinect colour ball. otherwise it is not visible.
    when you calibrate your hands should be ok.



    Hi Greg

    I found it,

    But I have tracked in my headset, can you add it also to the
    Tracking->Head-> off – I have my own headset tracking?



    Hi Greg

    I try to use colour tracking also with the head tracking I just ignored the head calibrate and it work fine, And now my hands are in front of my face
    But – when I moving my hand to the left the controller move to the right and when I moving my hand to the right the controller move to the left


    Hey Zivzv,

    Did you try changing the order of the controllers assigned to the d4vr_left/right in the Device Manager?


    d4vr_left | vrcontroller 1
    d4vr_right | vrcontroller 0

    instead of

    d4vr_left | vrcontroller 0
    d4vr_right | vrcontroller 1



    Hi Greg

    don’t know what changed, but now the directions work fine but the hands not

    For example :
    left hand set to red light – move the right controller
    right hand set to blue light – move the left controller

    I try to:
    left hand set to red light – but! the red led on my right hand – it move my left controller

    Jna the response is also for you

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you need to go to device manager and re-assign controllers accordingly



    Hi Greg

    I tried it did not work.
    I’m sending you the logs so maybe you can locate the problem
    If you need to I will video the problem and send you



    I recorded the bug/problem in a video,

    and logs

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by zivzvzivzv.
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