Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Driver4VR not detected

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  • #3898

    I can’t get past “Driver4VR was not detected 🙁 Please run installer” no matter what I try. I’ve registered and unregistered the driver several times, both from the Installer and manually, but still can’t get it to work. I’m using riftcat2 and have psmove controllers and want to connect a kinect. I’ve tried with psmove service running and not and still no difference. I’ve attached the fresh logs from the last time I tried.

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you are using pseudovive or something similar ?


    Yes that was it. I didn’t even remember installing pseudovive but must have been trying to get a specific app working at some time. After moving the 2vive folder out of drivers, driver4r is detected.


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