Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Driver4VR mixing up rift touch controllers

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  • #6154
    Chris HolcombChris Holcomb

    Hey there! Just bought Driver4VR Gold to try full body with my Oculus Rift, 2 Rift touch controllers, and XB1-Kinect. I’m having a repeat issue where the controls are mixing up when entering SteamVR. I keep getting different results each time I enter SteamVR, so it makes it hard to lock down on the issue…

    Each time I open Driver4VR, SteamVR opens and shows the 3 extra trackers (hip, feet) but one of them will become the active “hand” controller. (As in it shows the pointing line and wants me to use it for buttons.) Obviously since it’s an emulated tracker and not a controller, I can’t press any buttons on it to proceed in the SteamVR menu. Sometimes it’s the left rift controller switching places with the right foot, other times it’s the right rift controller switching spots with the hip. There have been a couple times where it has worked exactly as it should, but there’s no consistent way for me to make it work.


    Core i7
    GTX 980Ti
    16GB RAM
    Oculus Rift CV1
    Xbox-1 Kinect

    Here are the log files:

    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Chris HolcombChris Holcomb. Reason: .rar files for logs are not allowed
    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Chris HolcombChris Holcomb.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you please confirm you use last version that is 4.6.x ? or higher?
    can you check in controller bidning that hands are set respectively to left and right hand and trackers to none ?

    sorry for problems,

    Chris HolcombChris Holcomb

    Yes, I am running version Driver4VR v4.6.0.0 Beta.

    When you say controller bindings, you mean in SteamVR?

    Chris HolcombChris Holcomb


    Everything looks correct, but the issue is still persisting. Any lead on a fix? Driver4VR has been pretty much unusable since I purchased it.. :/

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    that is unusual since I took required steps to avoid this.
    can you please tell me if you are on any of beta versions of steamvr?

    Darren WestDarren West

    Chris, did you ever find a solution? I’m experiencing the same issue with my WMR headset,using nolo controllers for body tracking. The nolo controllers,or worse the nolo head tracker override the WMR controllers as hand controllers.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    that is quite old problem.
    can you confirm that you have latest steamvr and driver4vr version 4.8 ?
    yo can manually change tracker role via steamvr menu to None.

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