Even though I have my Kinect plugged in and can confirm it works, it will not connect. Ive tried restarting my pc, reinstalling driver4vr, and different usb ports. Nothing will work. The kinect’s light just keeps on flashing.
Me too. My problem is I don’t have a headset and don’t know if that can cause issues. i have my kinect hooked up and it works with all the dev tools, but when I open SteamVR, it says “Headset not detected” at the top and “Not Ready” at the bottom. The error code is (108).
Also, when I open Driver4VR I get an error message there as well stating “Error: Unable to connect to SteamVR. Error: Init_HmdNotFoundPresenceFailed”
This reply was modified 6 years ago by Micah Rivers.
timothy, clarify what you mean by you can confirm it works? and which kinect do you have?
Micah, you can not use driver4vr without a vr headset. you can get things running with the steamvr null driver but its severely limited in what it can do and not really for consumer use.