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    I am using the latest version of driver4vr and still am having some issues with the controller mapping. I can get it to register everything in driver4vr, but certain things just don’t work in games. The grip button gets mapped correctly but whenever I map something to the trigger button, it just won’t register as the trigger button in games. Same thing with the touchpad, I try to map the touchpad to the axis of the thumbstick but it doesn’t do anything in games. Another problem is that in steamvr, the controllers show up as steam controllers instead of wands or hands. Finally, I’m using it in conjunction with a Kinect One, but the tracking is very jittery, my hands look like they have Parkinson’s disease, they’re moving all over the place so much. Any help would be appreciated.


    For the steam controller problem, opt out of steamvr beta.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. that is one case. but I tested with beta and I can still see proper controllers :/

    can you tell me first if you can see controllers and button events properly in steamvr room ? and tell me what game u try.



    I tried opting out of the steamvr beta which fixed the controller view problem, but now driver4vr won’t recognize any controller inputs! I’ve tried an older version, going back to the steamvr beta, unpairing and repairing the controller, and it still won’t show up anything when I press the buttons on driver4vr. Any ideas?


    No ideas? I’ve tried the xbox controller again and it works to map buttons but the trigger still won’t work even if I have it mapped. The bluetooth controllers that look just like the ones you have in the video won’t register any buttons to map at all. Please let me know what’s going on. Thanks.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i replied to other thread. sorrry, can’t check this now. will look on this on Monday.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i check this but did not replicated trying 2 clones and 1 small controller 🙁
    can u please try to unpair and pair and we will see if that help?


    Yes, I’ve already tried that twice, and also using different bluetooth drivers. Have you ever found that a particular bluetooth driver doesn’t work? Also, which mode do you have your controllers in? I’ve tried all the different modes and still nothing. Also, even for the xbox controller that the buttons do pair, it still doesn’t register the trigger button when using it in games.


    I have the same problem the driver4vr registers the BT controller but ingame nothing works..


    It seems the steam controller model is back, even without using steamvr beta. I think a steamvr update is to blame. Also, many of the buttons have stopped working in steamvr home, but work fine in the normal menu and games (not a big issue).


    I get the same problem now that evertec has in the first post. Triggers wont work in many games, and steamvr home, and none of the oculus touch games work through revive.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can u please give me example of game that works and one that don’t work ?
    both from steam.


    Sure, not working: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, and SteamVR Home (and any Revive Oculus Touch game but that isn’t steam).

    Working: most native vive games – Endless Night, Skeet, The Solus Project…

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you give few more games. I have quite a few but none of those you mentioned 🙂


    I think most of the games I was talking about were Oculus games using revive, and I didnt realise. Namely, Bullettrain, Magic Table Chess, VR Multigames, all the free ones basically. KTANE is definitely steamvr though. I am able to get most steamvr games working.
    But as far as I can tell, the problem is the same in SteamVR Home as it is in revive. That leads me to think (just guessing, I know nothing) that it is a steam problem rather than a revive one.


    Finally found a fix for the above revive/oculus problem.


    Download the input folder and install to documents/revive.

    Probably doesn’t fix steamvr home, but Oculus games are all good.

    Oskari RuokoniemiOshgari

    Same here. Mapping in Driver4VR work great, but nothing happens in SteamVR. I have now tried 3 different controllers in SteamVR and they lead to the same result. I installed that folder linked above. Didn’t help.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you try this build? this is with new openvr and i was testing this pretty deeply. if problem still persist we will take further steps.




    My problem was different. Until now. Also have no response in SteamVR after updating Driver4VR. Going to try the above build.

    Ok, my controllers work in that build, but the leap tracking is bad, it is unusable for me. Controllers switch around, probably depending on which one you raise first.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by JonnyJonny.
    Oskari RuokoniemiOshgari

    Same thing here. Controllers are switched and tracking is very bad. But yeah, controller inputs finally work 🙂

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver
    Oskari RuokoniemiOshgari

    I tried it. It fixed the controllers but yet again, the mappings don’t work :/

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    no way 🙂
    please try again :)))) do you have psmove or vr controllers? are you sure they are on ?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    ok. i think i found problem. it was really tricky but I shall have fix for that.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver
    Oskari RuokoniemiOshgari

    Yeap, All good now. Thx

    connor vincentconnor vincent

    Can I have the link to that solution because I have the same issues


    I am trying to map the A key from my HP Reverb 2 (WMR) controller but although it appears under the main devices window I cannot see it in the VR Controllers and trackers window to then assign it to a keyboard press. Anyone any ideas?

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