Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Colour tracking make the program freeze

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    When I start Driver4vr with colour tracking it just freezes or cycles between not responding and is unusable. My cpu is not overloaded it only using 20% and i have 8 cores. i cant het a log for it when it happens so sorry.

    CPU 1700X
    Ram 32 gigs DDR4
    GPU 2x Vega FE
    Kinect 360

    Robin StorkCrubert

    I also have this problem….We need a response!

    Sincerly Robin !

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    there is problem with amd. .can you try this build ?
    after you start, you need enter colour calibration window and when come back it should work ok. that is something that keep delaying to make final solution but is on my list.

    Damian CentkiewiczDamian Centkiewicz

    Greg, I checked this and on Kinect Skeleton on head and hand tracking I have 15 FPS for kinect and 58 for Diver4VR. Usage for CPU (AMD FX-8300) it’s 20%.

    For only hand trackers with colour light using PS Move (and too with Kinect Skeleton for head tracking but Kinect can’t detect my skeleton) I have 13 FPS for Driver4VR and 43 for Driver4VR. CPU 37% and I can find a PS Move. When I press “calibrate” it’s setting colour to controller but is still calibrating… Ahh, it all is working very slow.

    I still waitng for colour tracking because Kinect loosing hands when are close to self. Also I have trouble with left hand…

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    so when you quit colour calibration window it should go back to 60 fps. that is kind of ‘trick’ to make it test on amd.
    can you tell if that works this way and still hangs?

    Damian CentkiewiczDamian Centkiewicz

    It’s stable only for Kinect Skeleton but Driver4VR have more FPS for colour tracking than before.

    When I had a colour tracking, Driver4VR did works slowly. Refresh camera it was maybe 10 second. When window of colour calibration was closed, it was still slower than in public version with usage 60% CPU.

    Virtual controller changed position after moved a real controllers.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    that it mean it works after you close window ?

    Damian CentkiewiczDamian Centkiewicz

    Works but maybe wrong. It’s reacting on moves.

    You must first make this stable on AMD, so don’t think in this moment about positioning a controllers.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    what is fps on both?

    Damian CentkiewiczDamian Centkiewicz

    “For only hand trackers with colour light using PS Move (and too with Kinect Skeleton for head tracking but Kinect can’t detect my skeleton) I have 13 FPS for Driver4VR and 43 for Driver4VR.”

    I made mistake, because 13FPS for Kinect not a Driver4VR.

    So for both is this same what for colour tracking.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    that is quite low. i am afraid your spec will not handle colour tracking.

    Hey ThaeHeyItsThae

    Hi has there been any update to fix this. I just downloaded Driver4VR and the skeleton mode works but I’ve noticed the freezing still happens for me when I switch to color tracking. Is this trying to be fixed?

    Hey ThaeHeyItsThae

    Like to just update to say the new version of the software installed on 4/11/20 fixed my issue with the color tracking making my AMD GPU freeze. If you guys are still having this issue try updating 🙂

    Lukas Skrabulisnocturrr

    Updated the AMD drivers and still no luck – the driver4VR software freezes. Any solutions?

    L Pcurious_pineapple

    I have the same issue, RX 5500XT.

    Kevin FreiNchi

    any update on this greg? seem to have the same issue

    Pixel 101VRPixel

    the same thing is happening here, but sometimes it works for a short while and when I try to adjust the camera exposure correctly it freezes again (I already tried to delete & reinstall Driver4VR). If someone could help us all we would be very thankful (at least I think that the others would).

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Pixel 101VRPixel.
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