Homepage Forums Body tracking Color Tracking + Individual Hip & Feet Rotation

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    is there a way to track my feet position and rotation? The normal Skeleton Trackers always rotate with the Headset. I tried colored Tabletennis balls but that didn’t quite work.

    I have the Oculus Rift + Touch Controllers and the Kinect V2.

    Thanks in advance.


    I would like to know too since in one of his video there is hip and feet tracking but he never says with what he does it


    I think that’s for ver. 4

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you need to get ps move, daydream or joycon.
    then you assign it in device manager. if it is assigned, it will prevent automatic orientation calculation and use device instead.


    So the color tracks position and a 3 daydream controllers can add rotation at the same time?

    Really like to see a video tutorial on this but I’ll mess with it.


    Are you able to do it for the Oculus Touch too?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    unfortunately can’t do it with oculus.
    driver4 is modular.
    you can still use full body tracking as it is for months already.
    but in device manager you can assign device you like to each of trackers. and voila 🙂


    Ok one last question Greg, as I said I own the Kinect V2 and Oculus Rift CV1 + Touch. I want rotation Tracking for my legs though. Can I just buy 3 Daydream Controllers / PS Move Controllers and assign them as my left/right foot and Hip bone? How will the program know where the daydream or the PS move controllers are?

    Thank you in Advance.


    @ Native,
    Basically all of these options have varying levels of error/drift.

    I’d wait for Greg to release v4 of the driver before ordering anything. It seems like he will release it in a day or two *crosses fingers*.

    Whatever options you come up with in v4, do you think it’d be possible to have the reset calibration button mapped in some way that doesn’t require me to bend over and hold buttons down on my feet every so often? I don’t mind the drift as much as I do the fact that I have to physically bend down to reset the calibration.


    Just so i understand. I cant calibrate body tracker unless i have cv1 or vive?? I used to be able to in the older builds. Running a dk1. Any ideas how as when i load up a vrchat it reads my hip as my foot and throws it all out.


    I have been wondering, is only 1 psmove controller needed?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    body tracker calibration is only needed if you have external system like vive or oculus. if use d4 for head and hand tracking then you don’t need do body tracker calibration.
    let me know if that helps.

    Anthony BrunoDRAGONASH

    sorry, I’m new to this.
    I would just like some clarification.

    While using an Oculus headset, am I able to use 3 color tracker to track my feet and hips and properly rotate, like the vive?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    colour tracker is not enough. you need a controller with measurement unit and ps move or daydream are best since they don’t drift

    Anthony BrunoDRAGONASH

    so i cannot use 3 colors led bands with the oculus and it’s controllers?

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