Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Can't calibrate Kinect One

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    I am using Driver4VR with Riftcat. I have a Kinect One for tracking and 2 Move Controllers.
    I installed everything as described and calibrated the controllers.
    It mostly works, but the controllers face the wrong direction. p.e. When I point forward, in Steam Home the virtual controller points backwards.
    When I rotate the view the controllers point to the right direction but are located behind my virtual pov.

    I guess this is related to my other problem. Kinect does track the controllers once I started Steam VR. The logs also show that it’s recognized.
    But I cannot calibrate it in the driver4vr-Application. I just see a purple screen.
    I tried two different USB ports on different controllers – no luck.

    I’ve been struggling with this setup for such a longs time and would love to finally use it. I would appreciate help!

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you need hold Select button for few secs and point in same direction as your headset is looking.


    This fixed the pointing direction. But the virtual controllers are still located behind my back in Steam VR Home.
    I guess it is related to Kinect not working properly. I can’t calibrate because when performing step 1 of the calibration process it tells me that Kinect isn’t tracking.


    And it’s becoming weirder.
    When I open the steam menu in Steam VR Home the position and orientation is alright. When I opened Google Erath it worked as well. Just in the Steam VR Homescreen everything is fucked up.
    Any idea?


    In The Lab positioning is also fucked up. The controllers appear behind me to the right and below the ground surface.

    Carlos Riverabad.boo

    do calibration on driver4vr. that has fixed that situation for me.


    I finally found the solution. I replaced the Kinect to a higher position. And further away. It seems that Kinect needs like 1,5m distance to track.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver


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