Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Calibration instructions not showing in HMD (Rift; Kinect 2.0)

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  • #3172

    I’ve got the 3 Kinect 2.0 sensors showing in the Steam VR little window on my desktop. I start Driver4VR with Body Trackers set to Skeleton. I then hit Calibrate and then ‘Got it!’ on the popup, but nothing happens in my Rift display. I can read off my monitor that I’m supposed to stand still, but I don’t know where I’m meant to stand, as nothing has changed on my HMD. I’ve tried disabling SteamVRHome (since the instructional video shows Greg in the space I’m used to seeing between quitting a game and returning to Steam VR Home – a white void-ish thing) but still nothing from Driver4VR on my HMD. Driver4VR is tracking me and as mentioned, SteamVR is aware of the Kinect trackers. I don’t really know what to try here. Could I get some help?


    Now it says the trial has ended. I downloaded this about half an hour ago.. Closing and Reopening the application fixed this trial issue

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by bluekunbluekun.


    Video showing what I can see when calibrating. I noticed there’s head and feet indicators behind me, but I suppose that’s SteamVR. Shows that it at least recognises the Driver4VR inputs.


    Neither of these stay ticked if I close the settings or click on another tab in the settings. Not sure if relevant.


    Aaand here’s some logs:

    2018-02-10 14:41:08: Initializing driver4vr application ver:
    2018-02-10 14:41:09: Attempting to login user: bluekun
    2018-02-10 14:41:10: Login user completed with result: 3000
    2018-02-10 14:41:10: Creating communication thread…
    2018-02-10 14:41:10: Creating communication done…
    2018-02-10 14:41:10: Initialize communication thread.
    2018-02-10 14:41:10: Communication thread test start – #1
    2018-02-10 14:41:10: Connecting to SteamVR – start
    2018-02-10 14:41:11: VRPath reg output:

    2018-02-10 14:41:11: Runtime path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\
    Config path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config
    Log path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\logs
    External Drivers:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Driver4VR\lib\drivers\driver4vr

    2018-02-10 14:41:11: Connecting to SteamVR – complete
    2018-02-10 14:41:11: Connection status chanced to: Driver4VR detected and not running… press ‘Start Driver4VR’ ->
    2018-02-10 14:41:12: Status trace: stopped
    2018-02-10 14:41:15: Status trace: stopped
    2018-02-10 14:41:15: Communication thread test end – #1
    2018-02-10 14:41:15: Communication thread test start – #2
    2018-02-10 14:41:18: Status trace: stopped
    2018-02-10 14:41:20: Communication thread test end – #2
    2018-02-10 14:41:20: Communication thread test start – #3
    2018-02-10 14:41:21: Status trace: stopped
    2018-02-10 14:41:24: Status trace: stopped
    2018-02-10 14:41:25: Communication thread test end – #3
    2018-02-10 14:41:25: Communication thread test start – #4
    2018-02-10 14:41:27: Status trace: stopped
    2018-02-10 14:41:29: Start/Stop sequence starting.
    2018-02-10 14:41:29: Kinect 360 Runtime detected: False
    2018-02-10 14:41:29: Kinect One Runtime detected: True
    2018-02-10 14:41:29: Kinect One – Starting connection.
    2018-02-10 14:41:30: Kinect One – connected.
    2018-02-10 14:41:30: Communication thread test end – #4
    2018-02-10 14:41:30: Communication thread test start – #5
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Creating processing thread… start.
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Creating processing thread… done.
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Sending communication to start driver – start.
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Initialize processing thread.
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Sending communication to start driver – complete.
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Start/Stop sequence done.
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Status trace: running
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Connection status chanced to: Driver4VR detected and running!
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Enumeration of devices starting… with 0
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: PS Move Service not required… skipping.
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Enumeration of devices starting completed with 0 total.
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Creating Wii Connection…
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Creating Wii Connection… completed with success.
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Starting devices…
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Starting devices complete
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Tracker update test start – #1
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Tracker update test end – #1
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Tracker update test start – #2
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Tracker update test end – #2
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Tracker update test start – #3
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Tracker update test end – #3
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Tracker update test start – #4
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Tracker update test end – #4
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Tracker update test start – #5
    2018-02-10 14:41:31: Tracker update test end – #5
    2018-02-10 14:41:34: Status trace: running
    2018-02-10 14:41:35: Communication thread test end – #5
    2018-02-10 14:41:37: Status trace: running
    2018-02-10 14:41:40: Status trace: running
    2018-02-10 14:43:37: Enumeration of devices starting… with 0
    2018-02-10 14:43:37: PS Move Service not required… skipping.
    2018-02-10 14:43:37: Enumeration of devices starting completed with 0 total.
    2018-02-10 14:48:05: Shutdown of driver4vr application has been completed.

    Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot

    Unfortunately there is no hmd calibration notification but Greg has included a audio feedback. When i do calibration i do 3 standing first in different locations and do a half-crouch for the last two. Make sure you are facing your kinect when calibrating as it can effect you hip position. Is there any natural light getting into your room? (I found this to effect tracking for me) What body part do you think the height of the kinect is around? (Chin height is the best)

    Edit: When I do the standing calibration I stand in t-pose looking at around where the kinect is. (For the height of the kinect i actually use my gpu box to raise the height of it so it is around my chin height.)

    Edit 2: The trial period lasts for 7 days but only for 10 minute intervals. I found this frustrating too as calibration was an issue for me too.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot.
    Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot

    For your trackers to connected to your body you must fully complete the calibration with success.

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