Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting BSOD after 40 minutes of gameplay

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  • #15413
    Louis marchalBushMan

    Hi everyone,

    (Before the topic I Just want to say that i’m french so dont mock me about my english or my culture…)

    I have recently but a pc with this components.

    Motherboard :MSI x470 gaming plus max
    CPU :Ryzen 7 2700x (not undervolted or overclocked)
    GPU :MSI Rx590 armor oc 8 gb
    Ram :corsair vengeance lpx 2×8 gb cas 16 3200 mhz
    And an gygabyte g750h 750w gold

    While playing VR with IVRy (premium and non premium made the same sh**) and driver 4 vr
    Gold with joycons after 40 minutes of gameplay my pc made a damn BSOD.

    Can you help me (if you speak french can you respond me in french plz) I love play VR and I made youtube videos so can you help me plz.

    Have a nice Day


    Nic SchmautzNickle909

    Sorry i do not speak french.

    But i have had this exact issue.

    Boot up IVRY, then D4VR, And then uninstall an application called Bonjour.

    This disables wireless for ivry, which stopped bsods.

    This means you will have to be tethered via usb on your phone

    Louis marchalBushMan

    Thanks for helping

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    BSOD looks for me like hardware issue. nothing that stops you form browsing internet but with VR it might just don’t handle.

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