Homepage Forums Body tracking Arm tracking only?

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    I’m not interested in using a headset or a virtual headset via a phone, and I want to play vrchat alone with just arm tracking and my monitor. Is there a way to do this and create a fake headset for steamVR to connect to and trick it to just use my monitor and just let me use my pc? A lot of my friends also want to know about his and have the same issue finding answers.


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    what would it be different from playing vrchat on pc without headset?
    which is actually possible now. how you want rotate head ?


    Head rotation would still be done with the mouse, id basically just be using driver4vr for the arm trackers and nothing else, a fake headset connected to steamVR to trick it into allowing me to just use arm tracking so I can use it sitting down a little far from my computer.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    so you would have kinect. in each hand for example ps move. and you would leave ps move and take mouse to look around ?


    Like that, yeah.

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