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    Hello, Greg I’ve seen the latest preview (v3.0?) of driver4VR and it looks amazing.
    So two questions,

    Can a led light like thing be used on the headset itself to make the position tracking from the Kinect more accurate and possibly even give 360 degrees of freedom?

    Secondly, stretching and strapping a controller on the hand is a pain in the ̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶ hand when using the Leap motion+ Bluetooth controller setup. Instead can we just use the Leap for position and rotation from either a daydream or psmove like controller? Is that possible?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. first part is actually part of first release. however i have some approach to improve head tracking a bit using only kinect.

    regarding leap motion and controller it is also possible. but what controller you would like to use ? you only need to check if leap can track your hand while holding controller.


    I think using the psmove controller would be the most convenient.What do you think?


    …? You can simply say No if you don’t want to

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    head tracking by colour will be available in 3.0
    but controller tracking with leap motion but getting origin from ps move will be any following version. i am not sure if this will not make hand jumping but I don’t think so.

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