Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting A key component of SteamVR is not working

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    Jessica KimJessica Kim

    I’ve seen other threads about this issue, but not really a clear solution for it. I have a fresh install of Driver4VR beta and SteamVR is not in beta. When I try to launch SteamVR it seems that Driver4VR loads first and shows the error ‘Unable to connect to SteamVR Error: IPC_Connect Failed’. Then SteamVR shows Not Ready and gives the ‘key component of SteamVR is not working error 301’ message.

    I saw someone saying that they fixed this error by getting steamVR working and then starting Driver4VR after, but I’m not sure how to get Driver4VR to not launch at the same time. I’ve also restarted both programs and my computer a few times, and reinstalled the tool.

    Jessica KimJessica Kim

    Logs just in case

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    Dain CookDain Cook

    I have the same issue presently. Steam VR works without Driver4VR. Installing Driver4VR bricks it regardless of safe mode and direct mode settings and all that stuff. Can’t find early versions of the application to try either.

    diego mayersdiego mayers

    hello I know this is kind off topic but do you guys know how to solve the issue of an error multiple times telling me that it has failed to read settings, please contact support, error hexadecimal value 0x00, is invalid character, line 9, position 1

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    please delete folder that is displayed on same window.
    this is where settings are store and this file was corrupted.
    i have code to make automatic fix but it must be more complex then I was testing.

    Brenda VigilBrenda Vigil

    Not sure if this will help but I had the same issue. I fixed it by uninstalling driver4vr restarted my pc and made sure that steam was not running before reinstalling driver4vr.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    thanks. this might help. those are bugs difficult to trace and not always on my side 🙁


    did anyone found a solution? I am having the same problem 🙁


    Everytime I register the driver4vr , I get an error message in steamvr on restart of the steamvr

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    did you try step described by Brenda ?

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