Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting head position tracking move to wrong way ! in SteamVR Reply To: head position tracking move to wrong way ! in SteamVR


Thank you to @jonny, @credo and @Greg

I think I may miss some point

1) I did not select+start to align the HMD and PSMove tracking spaces when green intstructional overlay asking me to do.

2) I did not try Orientation Re-centering by point the controller down the forward direction of the calibration mat (the -Z direction) and hold the select button

3) I miss one process to setting Comupte Tracker Poses in Calibration Mat by put pscontrller to +x+z,-x+z,cener,-x-z,+x-z ,but I did not put my Pimax on HDM frame when program said “Set the HDM at the tracking origin”

I will try this above after working time and update here.
