Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Leap motion is not working Reply To: Leap motion is not working


I am having the same issue.

I have disinstalled:

steam vr
any leap motion driver
any open vr driver

than I istakked in this order:

1) steam
2)steam vr
3) leap orion (https://developer-archive.leapmotion.com/downloads/external/v4-developer-beta/windows)

4) driver4vr

After driver4vr is installed, steam vr starts and the driver4vr menu appears.
I set leap motion as hand controller and then I click on start driver4vr.

What I see is a laser coming from my headset when driver4vr is on .

When driver4vr is off I see 2 fixed vive controllers floating

Also my hand is visible in visualiszer through leap

Can you please help us ?

Is this a problem of your driver or our problem ?

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