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I have a second pair of touch controllers, greg. I knew it was possible due to having seen people doing mixed reality filming.

edit:(take this with a grain of salt, but in my experience the controllers still work anywhere within range of the sensors as long as the display on the rift is active)
I don’t think the controllers have to be linked through driver 4 vr, though. if the rift’s tracking has been overridden then it will be displaying the image that the tracked gearvr should display, so one would then only need to mirror the rift’s display to the phone in the gear vr, and the controllers would be functional because the rift is still active and displaying the gear vr’s viewpoint from gear vr gyro data and kinect v2 positional data.

would you be willing to help me with this endeavor, greg? I need your expertise.

  • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by TooandrewTooandrew.
  • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by TooandrewTooandrew.