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Bla BlablaGreg Driver

Here is also full description for VRChat provided by Desunyan on Discord:

Full sequence of Nolo VR calibration for usage with VRChat.
Nolo VR will only work with Oculus Rift since it interferes with HTC Vive Lighthouse system!

Install NOLO Driver: https://github.com/NOLOVR/NOLO-Driver-For-Windows/raw/master/NOLOVR/Nolo_driver_for_windows_setup.msi
Install Driver4VR: https://www.driver4vr.com/download/
Charge Nolo controllers and base station.
Pair Nolo controllers and head tracker with base station as described here: https://www.nolovr.com/pairing-en

First time calibration and startup:
1. Turn on base station and controllers, connect hips tracker to PC.
2. Start Nolo VR software. All trackers and base station must be green in system tray menu.
3. Navigate \Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\ folder and execute command:
vrpathreg.exe removedriver “C:\Program Files\LYRobotix\NOLO_driver_for_windows\nolo”
as described in this post: https://www.driver4vr.com/forums/topic/nolo-vr-trackers-instructions/
You will need to execute this command each time after launching Nolo VR software before launching SteamVR and Driver4VR.
For convinience you can create .bat file in \Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\ folder with vrpathreg string, make shortcut to this file on desktop and run it instead of typing command each time in console.
4. Start Driver4VR software. Driver4VR window and SteamVR should launch.
5. Select NOLO in Body/Trackers.
6. Close SteamVR. Driver4VR should close too.
7. Start Driver4VR again.
8. Press Start Driver4VR button in Driver4VR window. 3 trackers should appear in SteamVR status window.
9. Press Calibrate button.
10. Select trackerHips from Tracker to calibrate menu and press Calibrate button in new window and follow instructions (You will need to hold VR headset and hips tracker together and move around 5 points of your room – 3 standing and 2 sitting)
11. When done you should see hip and feet trackers in correct places when looking in VR headset.
12. Start VRChat and play!

How to use after initial setup:
1. Turn on base station and controllers, connect hips tracker to PC.
2. Start Nolo VR software. All trackers and base station must be green in system tray menu.
3. Navigate \Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\ folder and execute command:
vrpathreg.exe removedriver “C:\Program Files\LYRobotix\NOLO_driver_for_windows\nolo”
as described in this post: https://www.driver4vr.com/forums/topic/nolo-vr-trackers-instructions/
You will need to execute this command each time after launching Nolo VR software before launching SteamVR and Driver4VR.
4. Start Driver4VR software. Driver4VR window and SteamVR should launch.
5. Press Start Driver4VR button in Driver4VR window. 3 trackers should appear in SteamVR status window.
5. Play VRChat!