Homepage Forums Announcements Release 3.10.2 – Nolo tracker orientation fix, Wii yaw from Plus Reply To: Release 3.10.2 – Nolo tracker orientation fix, Wii yaw from Plus



Hi Greg!
Hooray! Thats fixed the menu button issue. Thanks for that

Sadly I can confirm that the saving issue is still there. Rotation angle and touchpad delay both save ok but Reverse rotation will only save if one of the other settings is also changed.
SteamVR Touchpad press doesnt save no matter what I change. Its always set to the single click setting.

Sadly Theres a bigger issue in this build. The rotation teleport position bug is back. As soon as I use the buttons to rotate me 90 degrees I’m teleported out of the steamVR house (into a wall this time). Any further rotations happen at that new spot.
Unlike last time it doesnt appear as if the room setup is being corrupted/wiped. It simply seems to think I’m in that world spot.

My settings
Touchpad press – Single click
angle – 90 Degrees
Rotation – Your location
Reverse – Yes
Touchpad delay – Yes

