Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Pimax 4k Headtracking with Psmoveservice AND HTC Vive Controllers? Reply To: Pimax 4k Headtracking with Psmoveservice AND HTC Vive Controllers?


Now I have tried it with Psmoveservice and Kinect. Sadly I have big USBBandwith issues even with only 2 PSmove cameras and Kinect ONE.
(no I Cannot upgrade USB Ports with a PCIe Card, because I have a gaming laptop 🙂 )

So I decided to buy a VIVE Tracker but I only found an incomplete Tutorial (or maybe I am too dumb to get it working) to use a Vive Tracker with OSVR Server.

So how about adding the feature of using Vive Trackers as HMD ? 🙂