Homepage Forums Announcements Release 3.8.0 – Body trackers from Nolo VR, Wii, Joycon Reply To: Release 3.8.0 – Body trackers from Nolo VR, Wii, Joycon


@Greg Driver

So, the NOLO uses it’s own base station to do the tracking? No need for a Kinect with it, just NOLO and the driver4vr right?

Would you say it’s more accurate than kinect 360 with psmove? I may buy NOLO if it’s more accurate and can let me turn around. The kinect 360 loses tracking if I try to turn to the side, plus the feet trackers aren’t in line with the ground for some reason.

When I walk towards the kinect, the trackers rise up from the ground. If I walk away from the kinect 360, the trackers sink into the ground. Not sure if this is a hardware limitation or a bug though.


I’d also like to ask you how the NOLO trackers work(ed) Are they accurate?