Homepage Forums Announcements Release 3.8.0 – Body trackers from Nolo VR, Wii, Joycon Reply To: Release 3.8.0 – Body trackers from Nolo VR, Wii, Joycon


Here are my logs.

When I start steam VR I’m in the home room looking at the wall with the controller options. The big TV is to my right. The balcony is to my left.

In my left hand is PsMove0. In my right hand is PsMove1.

When I press Square on PsMove0 (left hand) I end up turning right and looking at the big TV.
When I press triangle on PsMove1 (right hand) I end up turning left and looking at the balcony.

I also tried assigning them the other way. Having PsMove1 assigned to left hand and vice versa. It did the same thing.



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