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(I can’t seem to edit the post anymore so I have to make a new post)
Okay, I did a few things and it seems to have improved things, some:
· I decided to empty the room entirely, just to make sure the kinect wouldn’t be confused with any objects in the surroundings
· I have relocated the kinect to a higher altitude and used the elevation range, so it would have a better coverage of the floor area
· I installed SteamVR, beta branch
· I updated Driver4VR to the latest version

Things I’ve observed that are different to before:
· The calibration error of the HMD vs the Kinect head seems much lower now
· I get proper hip and leg trackers now, it seems, although the hip and legs seem a little off at times. I’ve used the elevation modifier, it helps, but it’s still not as good as your full body tracking videos
· At random times the Mixed Reality Portal goes nuts and won’t detect the headset anymore for some reason. Although it was a lot of trouble in the past, for some reason this time I was able to get the headset detected again after closing everything and reopening.
· I’ve tried VRChat, it seemed more or less good, however my legs don’t seem to stretch out enough, and avatars have legs bent. Doing air kicks don’t seem to stretch the leg entirely, as if the skeleton doesn’t scale accordingly.