Homepage Forums Announcements Release 3.8.0 – Body trackers from Nolo VR, Wii, Joycon Reply To: Release 3.8.0 – Body trackers from Nolo VR, Wii, Joycon


Credit to the man 🙂 just finished a few hours testing and for me atleast everything is 100% functional including the 180-90 snap from current location. The laggyness is gone to rotation of either controller and colour tracking works quite well but i think i prefer the solid arms feel with the skeletal tracking. Seems to work better with reaching around to change gun for shield in space pirate trailer which i can finally do like 90% of the time at speed when i really need it and throwing in superhot works good too.

Havnt gotten gorn the work yet with its weird movement system but everything else is great. For the first time in months i feel like I need more VR games.

Excellent work Greg, doing the VR lords work ^_^