Homepage Forums Announcements Release 3.8.0 – Body trackers from Nolo VR, Wii, Joycon Reply To: Release 3.8.0 – Body trackers from Nolo VR, Wii, Joycon


Hey Greg.
I’ve just been testing out the new addition of wii controllers and they seem to work pretty well for a first release. However, I’ve had a strange occurrence where the left vive controller is tilted to the right and the tracking on the left controller doesn’t work as well as the right controller. I place them flat next to each other when starting driver4vr but only the left controller has these problems. I have tried switching which wiimote I use for left and right, but even using the wiimote that worked when on the right, it doesn’t work well on the left.
Overall though, I’m pretty excited about the inclusion of wiimotes as it gives more options for users, and it seems to be coming along well.