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Carlos Riverabad.boo

Hi @Greg,

I was trying the test version, but I am having trouble with the alignment of the Ps Move controllers. They move when I move my head. In other words, when I am at the steamVR Home, the blue laser is controlled by the HMD. The buttons work and well.

Another issue, is that one PS move is aiming to the screen (as normal) but the other one is aiming at me. Don’t how to fix that?

Found an answer on my second question at another thread.
so you should keep them in direction of headset and calibrate yaw.
for ps move you need hold select and daydream volume up for few seconds.

source: https://www.driver4vr.com/forums/topic/psmove-controllers-pointing-in-wrong-direction/#post-1506

  • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Carlos Riverabad.boo.