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Carl VancilCarl Vancil

…any progress to report?
It’s been 17 month since I last posted here, and I keep receiving emails showing that interest hasn’t died down. So, what’s the deal?

I’ve held a license for Driver4VR for nearly 2 years now –one that has gone unused because a single Kinect just doesn’t supply enough data to be useful to me. I was fine with waiting for progress when it was said that multi-kinect usage was in the works, but with no progress reports in so long, followed by 1 posting in January that really didn’t tell us anything other than ‘more soon’, I’m beginning to lose confidence with this whole project. As paying customers, I believe we deserve more than simply ‘more coming soon’, followed by nearly 6 months of nothing at all.

Good luck, but I’m out of patience here, so I’m out.