Homepage Forums Positional tracking – head and head trackers Kinect / PS Move offset issue using 6DOF Daydream HMD Lenovo Mirage Solo Reply To: Kinect / PS Move offset issue using 6DOF Daydream HMD Lenovo Mirage Solo

Marco WilliBlu3ye

So today I tried to configure that huge offset away by using relative world offsets to both ps move controllers. After they were quite close to my hmd I realized that they behave strangely when moving. Instead left/right they move more like south west/north east (from bird perspective, not up/down) like the ps move universe is in other z rotation to the hmd universe.

I use Kinect color tracking for now as I read it can be more performant than Kinect/PS Move service. Tried this aswell but only to see if the huge offset is there, too – and yes it is.