Homepage Forums Announcements Release – Gamepad emulation of HTC Vive Controller Reply To: Release – Gamepad emulation of HTC Vive Controller

tomas irlvekTomas Irlvek

bringing the driverVR window on top worked.I can now move virtual knuckles or hands but the second problem still persists: IN VR HEADSET when I move right knuckles in some direction through gamepad it continues moving even I stop. ON PC SCREEN at the same time as I operate virtual knuckles in VR the cursor on pc screen runs like crazy and because based on your recommendation I have drive vr window on top spread through the whole screen it accidentaly close it or minimaze it as I move and click the during operating the in VR.
I hope you understand more less what I mean.

Do you know what might cause this problem?

Thank you for a help
